Stuck for Staff

The Resource for Promotions, Field Marketing & Brand Experience
My Rating

Gavin's Profile

Experience Summary

I consider myself to be a versatile and conscientious person who’s academic, work history and extracurricular activity demonstrates a record of self motivation, reliability and excellent communication skills. Trustworthy and honest, capable of working well with my peers as well as on my own initiative. I have various hobbies that I like to indulge in these include playing various sports, going to concerts and the cinema, socialising with friends. View my contact details, availability, and stats.



Other Skills

I am a qualified football coach and have my level 1 cetificate.


First language: 

Extra Information

  • Assistant Event Manager

    Mr Kipling - 2007 summer. Keeping team motivated, ensuring everyone knew what was expected of them and that the job was completed to a high standard.

  • Costume and Character

    Indiana Jones - 2008. Dressed in costumer and promoting the realise of the new film. Olbas Tissues - 2008. Dressed up as a nose giving out samples of the product.

  • Data Capture

    Nescafe - May 2009. Using the PDA to gather peoples opinion of the new product.

  • Demonstration

    Nintendo Wii - July 2009. Working as part of a team to show customers the latest wii games.

  • Event Management

    Bacardi - 2007. Running a team of staff and communicating with many bars whilst giving out drink samples. Famous Grouse - 2008. Promoting the product to a new target market and manging a large team

  • In-store / Store approved

    Topman - 2009. Promoting a new shop opening and getting people into the shop. Phones 4 u - Promoting new products in store and pushing sales.

  • Leafleting

    HSBC - 2009. Giving out leaflets around city centre to promote new offers. Go travel - 2008. Promoting special offers to the public.

  • Merchandising

    Topman - 2009. Ninentdo Wii - 2009

  • Mystery Shopping

    Subway - 2009. Had to rate overall service. The sun - 2009. Go into numerous stores to see if the promotion was set up and feedback.

  • Rigging

    Nescafe - 2009. Building the stand for the promotion. Merlin Stickers - 2009. Helping set up the event with large team.

  • Roadshows

    Pernod - 2008. In charge of the promotion, going to different locations giving away samples to customers. Mr Kipling - 2007. 3 month campagin sampling the public.

  • Sampling

    Diet coke - 2008. In the city centre giving away samples. Ribena - 2009. Promoting the product in city centres. Starbucks - 2008. Coke Zero - 2008 Walkers crisps - 2009

  • Security

    Merlin Stickers - 2009. Keeping an eye on stock and monitoring numbers at the event.

  • Technology

    Sony - 2009. Demonstrating the latest camaras to the public.

  • Bar Person

    I have worked in many bars mainly part time whilst I was at university. Duties included money handling, serving the public, cleaning and manging events.

  • Car Driving License

    I have a full drivers license.

  • Computer Skills (Advanced)

    I am very comfortable using computers and able to use many programs. I have my clait certificate in computers.

  • CRB

    I have a CRB form off working in schools whilst at university.

  • Own Transport

    I have my own car.

  • Qualifications

    Degree in sport and exercise development.


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