Stuck for Staff

The Resource for Promotions, Field Marketing & Brand Experience

The Guide to working in Promotions & Field Marketing

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What are the different types of work on offer?

There are a number of different jobs that agencies will ask you to do. These will range from the quick and straightforward, to the downright bizarre, but they will all undoubtedly involve lots of variety and getting out there and interacting with the public.

Awareness / Leafleting

Not particularly glamorous or interesting, but is an easy job of handing out promotional leaflets and other material, and chatting to the public about the product. This is the most likely job you will get offered when starting out with a new agency, but do it and you will be on their side when a nice job comes in.

Costume and Character

This involves dressing up in a costume related to the brand, and is particularly good for those of you with an acting streak. Tends to pay quite well too.


This would require you to demonstrate a product or service to the customers, going through its functions and benefits - often at exhibitions, in-store and trade shows.

Event Management

Once you have experience of promotions, you may be considered to be an Event Manager - this may be for a roadshow or campaign and involves co-ordinating the teams, setting up and running the day. It helps to have a driving licence, and be over 25. Usually very good money, but long days, often staying away.

Exhibition / Roadshow

Basically, this will be promoting your brand from an exhibition, or on a roadshow that stops at various places. Can be good fun if you are with a nice bunch of people.


Meeting and greeting, ushering, waiting/serving and generally being nice at corporate functions. Get to see how the other half live!


Making sure that the client’s product is well presented in the outlets - this may involve calling at stores and other establishments making sure the product is fully stocked, looks nice, and could also involve the setting-up of promotional stands or posters etc. This is usually paid on a per-call basis and it helps to have a car.


It is not unusual for an agency to be interested in models for product launches, exhibitions and publicity stunts, and this may involve a corporate photo-shoot, so if you’ve got the look, flaunt it!

Mystery Shopping

Involves going into shops, restaurants, bars, hotels etc. as an anonymous undercover customer to check their products, level of service, presentation etc. A good eye for detail is essential for this job with great perks. (See the guide to Mystery Shopping for full details on this industry and how to get involved).


Some campaigns, especially road-shows and exhibitions employ a presenter to talk about the product over a microphone, to create interest. So if you’ve got the gift of the gab, give it a go.


Possibly the easiest of all promotion work, as it involves giving away free samples of a product to the public - and everyone loves a freebie!

The above illustrates a selection of the most likely jobs you will be offered - in reality, there is even more variety to what you may be asked to do. But don’t worry - you can always say no if you don’t want to do a particular type of work, and many agencies will ask you on their registration form.

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